Its a modern changing world... Elopement doesn't imply what it used to.

It's not a sudden, secret, wedding, conducted in whispers, but something that is romantic and planned with your officiating minister at your planning cana  sessions.

Elopement Nowadays has become a celebration of uniqueness; the power to break free of expectations and traditions that don't fit your personalities.

It is empowering to focus on what is most important to you and your fiance' at this moment.

Elopement still needs some planning, but it is simple compared to a traditional wedding. All you need are  yourselves, the license, the officiating minister, and two witnesses. 

You can dress up of dress down as you prefer.

The location is your choosing: An inn, A beach, A campfire at night, the Minister's home, Your garden, or a Restaurant, you choose the location.

Eloping is also budget Friendly. While average traditional weddings can cost tens of thousands of dollars, the simplicity of eloping can allow for a much smaller budget, and if someone chooses to Gift you, that can be put on whatever you desire.

You can combine your elopement with your honeymoon by making it take place at whatever getaway you choose.

Want to revel in the moment with a truly private ceremony? Eloping can be the perfect choice. If you are worried that family and friends will be disappointed by missing your ceremony, you can choose to document your elopement through pictures and video and podcasting it.